Life Beyond Church Ep. 19: A Living Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt.1

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Right now you need a revelation that Jesus is just as alive today as He was during His ministry in Judea. Often, we tend to separate the two stages of Jesus’s life (divine and Son of Man), we see them as two different books on our shelves. One speaks of who Jesus was for those three and a half years, and the second one about what Jesus could be like one day.

We look at Jesus as the lamb of sacrifice, or the humble servant during the time of His ministry and assume that nothing has changed. But what does Jesus actually look like now in terms of his nature, power, authority and existence? Then we have the second question of how do we engage and relate to Him today?

Life Beyond Church Ep. 19: A Living Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt.1

Without seeing Jesus as He truly is you will always fall short in your Christian life. Learn how to have your heart and expectations changed and see Jesus for who he really is right now.

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