20 – A Living Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt. 2

CCR Podcast Ep. 20 A Living Revelation of Jesus Christ pt 2

To fully see Jesus we must go beyond the images of Him with the disciples, or Jesus on the cross and see Him for who He is today. No longer just a lamb, but a lion, no longer a servant but the King of kings.

Find the article this podacst is based on here: https://wp.me/p9Vo1x-c4

Life Beyond Church Ep. 13: The Secret Name of Jesus Christ

The Secret Name of Jesus Christ

Did you know that Jesus has a secret name that most Christians are unaware of, a name can change everything about your faith and how you see the Son of God?

13 – The Secret Name of Jesus Christ

Conway Christian Resources Podcast

Did you know that Jesus Christ has a secret name that very few Christians know about? Its a name which will radical alter how you understand who He really is.

find more at https://conwaychristianresources.com

Check out by book “Understanding Who You Are: A Survey of 21st Century Christian Beliefs” available on paperback from Amazon and Barnes & Noble and on eBook through Kindle, Kobo, Nook and iBook.

Life Beyond Church Ep. 11: Faith That Transforms Mustard Seeds into Mustard Trees

Hidden beneath the parable of the humble mustard seed lies a foundational truth which many Christians are unaware of. So what exactly is Jesus trying to say to us and how can it revolutionize our lives?

11 – Faith That Transforms a Mustard Seed Into a Mustard Tree

Conway Christian Resources Podcast

Hidden beneath the parable of the humble mustard seed lies a foundational truth which many Christians are unaware of. So what exactly is Jesus trying to say to us and how can it revolutionize our lives?