Life Beyond Church Ep. 25: What Are The 5 R’s of Christian Life?

What are the 5 R's of Christian Life

When it comes to living a full Christian Life there are 5 keys that can help us to draw closer to God and find greater blessings throughout our lives. These five R’s are known as Revelation, Repentance, Relationship, Restoration and Revival. In this weeks episode you’ll discover how to apply these 5 R’s to your own life and how to live a successful and God centered Christian Life.

Go further with the article and podcast this video is based on HERE!

Life Beyond Church Ep. 20: A Living Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt.2

A Living Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt.2

Go even deeper in this subject HERE

To fully see Jesus we must go beyond the images of Him with the disciples, or Jesus on the cross and see Him for who He is today.  No longer just a lamb, but a lion, no longer a servant but the King of kings.

Life Beyond Church Ep. 19: A Living Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt.1

Go even deeper in this subject HERE

Right now you need a revelation that Jesus is just as alive today as He was during His ministry in Judea. Often, we tend to separate the two stages of Jesus’s life (divine and Son of Man), we see them as two different books on our shelves. One speaks of who Jesus was for those three and a half years, and the second one about what Jesus could be like one day.

We look at Jesus as the lamb of sacrifice, or the humble servant during the time of His ministry and assume that nothing has changed. But what does Jesus actually look like now in terms of his nature, power, authority and existence? Then we have the second question of how do we engage and relate to Him today?

Life Beyond Church Ep. 17: How to Demonstrate our Love for God

Do you love God, if so how can you prove it? Jesus laid out for us a simple yet profound formula on how to demonstrate our love for God, but what is it?

Life Beyond Church Ep. 14: Living Under Judgment And Loving It

God is looking to pour out His judgment, and that’s a good thing. Come and discover how God is trying to save you from problems and consequences by speaking through judgments and a call for something greater in our lives.